Laser dentistry is a branch of dentistry that utilizes laser technology to treat a variety of dental issues.
Dentistry is a field with an ever-running quest for innovation and perfection. For that reason, it came as no surprise when specialists dived into the search for less invasive treatment methods. This quest resulted in the birth and rise of laser dentistry, a discovery we will be covering in this article.

What Is Laser Dentistry?

LASER in itself stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. These tools make use of beams of light fashioned to react to particular tissues, with the aim of achieving certain results. They can serve either as trimmers, vaporizers, heat sources, or light sources.
With that being said, laser dentistry is the use of lasers in the dental field to achieve different results.

Laser Dental Procedures

There exist two types of laser dental procedures, namely soft and hard tissue procedures
  • Cavity Detection: Lasers have the ability to ease the spotting of upcoming cavities for the dentist. This permits the dentist to take immediate actions, so they don't spread further.
  • Cavity Filling: Although lasers can detect cavities soon enough, some patients miss their check-ups and visit the dentist only when teeth hurt. In cases of infection, lasers can help take off decay from teeth and prepare the enamel for filling.
  • Sensitivity Treatment: Ever bitten into an ice cream and felt pain in your teeth? If you said yes, you probably suffer from teeth sensitivity. Teeth sensitivity to hot or cold can result from open tubules from teeth roots. Lasers have the ability to seal these openings, thus taking away a huge discomfort when eating hot or cold.
  • Gum Reshaping: A "gummy smile" is a situation where gums cover most of the teeth and are heavily displayed when smiling. This unaesthetic state can be fixed with a few laser cuts so that more teeth and less gums get displayed when smiling.
  • Frenectomies: Being tongue-tied is one of the most uncomfortable conditions you can live with. A tight frenulum can give you a hard time when eating, talking, kissing, or playing some instruments. How frustrating is that! Luckily, lasers provide a pain-free solution to a tight frenulum so you can do more with your tongue.
  • Tissue Removal: Some dental procedures, such as All-On-4s, require tissue growth around implants. These tissues tend to grow and overcover the implant, which needs to be uncovered for crown fixation. Lasers then come in pretty handy in neatly trimming these tissues.
  • Photoactivated Disinfection: This disinfection process involves the use of non-toxic oxygen-releasing dyes, as well as laser lights to disinfect the root canal. This disinfection method is non-invasive, not painful, and not abrasive.
  • Wound Healing: Due to the wavelength's ability to increase blood flow, it becomes possible with lasers to speed up healing processes. Using lasers in procedures such as gingival trimming has been proven to boost fibroblasts' maturity rate, thus accelerating healing.

Precision and Comfort: Testimonials of Laser Dentistry